Dedicated Music Room Recessed Lighting (High Hats)?

The music room is down to studs.  Rewired the entire room and in the process added 7 high hats.  They were to be used to make the room very bright for cleaning, playing with wires etc.  I also have four sconces that will get the old style low wattage Edison bulbs for lighting during listening (as well as a lamp or two).  It did not occur to me that although the "cans" won't be used during music the "cans" may buzz. I've been told this by three audiophiles and a home theater guy.  Two emphatically tell me to "rip them out while you can".  Others have told me just go get the automotive sound deadening sheets (cut and stick on the cans). The room has been insulated with Roxul SAFB (Sound Absorbing Fire Barrier) in batt form 6" in the walls 9" in the ceiling. Does anyone have any experience with cans rattling or buzzing?
Should I rip them out?  Yes I do listen to music very loud at times. Thanks.
Regards, barts  

Showing 3 responses by oldhvymec

OP, do something now, you sound like you want to. Just do it.. Get some high temp stick on stuff and seal the heck out of it.. Silicone is expensive, There is expanding fireproof, soundproofing foam. Tightens EVERYTHING up... Easy to apply.

Put that stuff ON and let it air a bit.

Tighten all the wires in the rafters too, a little dab will go a long ways for for rattling cables laying on rafters

No huffin the fumes OP, that's a no no!

Enjoy the new room... It won't be spooky for long. VERY quiet with no wall board up though, only insulation. It is spooky, no room bounce..

Shoot OP, sounds good, you know give the the broom handle tap test. If you find a noisy one couple screws, silicone.. there is gonna be other stuff in the cans too? A fixture. A little creative, rattle proofing, so to speak. 

Some serious boom boom to rattle the roof.. BUT you know.. LOL
Every now and then...

Have fun, your not going to have any problems, it will sound great..:-)

I was working on a 16 X 20 X 8 today.. one of 2. Bigger :-) fun being retired..

I looked but didn't see, how big is your room?

Sounds ideal to me.. One of the rooms is 15X20X8 with built in closets 3 foot deep. BASS traps, sub placement and equipment placement. 3 32" wide pocket doors.  That's the plan anyways..

It makes the room, 15X17X8 same size... :-)
