Dedicated line w/ upgraded parts or power cond?

Which would yield best results? A dedicated power line with upgraded outlet and power cable, or a power conditioner?

Showing 1 response by hoff48

When we put a new addition on the house a few years ago, we had to upgrade our panel. At the time, I added 3 dedicated lines for my new listening room. Ran 10 gauge Romex and used FIM receptacles.
The one thing we made sure of and this is very important, is to keep motors, refrigerators, dishwasher, and microwave circuits on the different leg from the dedicated listening room circuit(s).
You have two power legs (combined they are 220/240 volt) feeding your panel. You use a single hot leg to get 120 V. We made sure we pulled all the noisy circuits from one leg and the dedicated circuits from the other leg. Your electrician can advise you on this.

I have never felt the need for any kind of power conditioning. All my circuits are dead quiet