Dedicated line w/ upgraded parts or power cond?

Which would yield best results? A dedicated power line with upgraded outlet and power cable, or a power conditioner?

Showing 1 response by brownsfan

ZD's answer is spot on. As far as I have been able to determine, this business is completely empirical. One can provide some general guidance, which Elizabeth has done, but the whole power supply thing is a case of how your unique AC is supplied to your listening room, and how the AC through your lines and outlets interact with your particular equipment. New, cryo treated outlets can be an inexpensive place to start the experiment. I use the Audio Magic outlets, which for a modest investment gave me a substantial return. I have also recently invested heavily (painfully, one might say) in VH Audio AirSine Power Chords. These PC's took my Cary amps to an entirely different level. But there is no such thing as a universally applicable "best PC for every application" so this is also a guessing game. The cable company can be an asset here. I also strongly suggest you e-mail Chris at VH Audio. He is a straight-shooter, and carries high bang for the buck stuff. Not just his own, but also gear from other vendors. As for dedicated lines, I will be running that experiment early next year. When my Cary amps pull enough current to dim the lights, I think I can safely conclude that there is work to be done in this area.