dedicated interconnect ?

has anyone ever connected the same wire used to make internal connections in audio components directly from output stage bypassing jack rca or balanced then directly to input at amp? once again bypassing input jack and internal wiring this sounds very simple after all the internal wiring is part of the signal path yes the length would be longer but could be customized to requirements components could be placed closer together shorter path and shielded with lead plate or whatever blocks magnetic fields to minnimize emi wires could be braided or shielded for rfi and emi sounds simple? this wire is probably dirt cheap and and could be a logical connection after all internal connectios arent made with interconnects with jacks they are point a to point b soldered connections does this sound too easy?

Showing 1 response by bob_bundus

Suggest that you first demo a handful of premade cables, to find a preferred sonic signature, before wiring them in dedicated. The PC boards could likely be heat-damaged by too much soldering/desoldering/resoldering; they're not made to handle that sort of abuse.