In choosing the topology of a mains distribution system with audio performance as one of the criteria, you should consider the following areas. First and foremost, safety should be a paramount concern. Many of the proposed fixes offered in pursuit of better sound are truly irresponsible. By all means follow the well-established procedures as dictated by your local building code. Second, in an audio system, it is the elimination of ground potential differences that affect the audible performance of a system. A ground rod, while good for protecting from external events will not do anything to improve the inter-chassis potential differences. Do consider separate home runs for the neutral conductor of each individual duplex outlet. Another good idea is to use bare copper for the ground connection to any duplex within the same junction box. Braid the grounds together to reduce the impedance between each duplex pair. At the meter panel end of the installation, consider using a panel of considerably higher current carrying capacity than necessary for the actual load currents. Larger panels have larger conductors and hence lower impedances between adjacent return points. Kevin Halverson