Dedicated Audio Room Plans....

I will be renting a home for about a year or so while we plan and build a new home. My wife agrees that a separate, dedicated audio room is best for us all. Does anyone know of sources for various plans for such a room that one might review and pick the best elements from before sharing ideas with the architect/builder? Any that show specific materials lists and/or dimensions would be MOST welcomed. Thanks

Showing 1 response by ejlif

No amount of planning is going to gaurantee you a great sounding room. I have read both of Evretts' books and built a dedicated room and so far I would kill for the sound I used to get in my living room. It seems like almost every shop I have been to prefaces the listening with an excuse for the acoustics. All I can say is cross your fingers, I hope you come out happy. If I were to do it again I would certainly get some profesional help.