Dedicated Audio Room Plans....

I will be renting a home for about a year or so while we plan and build a new home. My wife agrees that a separate, dedicated audio room is best for us all. Does anyone know of sources for various plans for such a room that one might review and pick the best elements from before sharing ideas with the architect/builder? Any that show specific materials lists and/or dimensions would be MOST welcomed. Thanks

Showing 1 response by 4yanx

I shall scale the Everest mount to learn what I can. Would appreciate any and all suggestions from others, while thanking those who have contributed thus far.

Rives, your site is certainly well constructed, I'm sure you do good work, and I'd wager many have benefitted from your efforts. For now, I will endeavor to learn all that I can from publicly available sources but may avail myself to your offer of services at some later point.