Decware CSP2 +

How good is this as a preamp? How does it compare with much more expensive units? My most recent active tube linestages have been CAT SL1, Joule LA-150MKII SE, and Dodd. Does it compete in that league? If not, how so? The fact I can use it as a headphone amp is just icing on the cake. My current reference is the Lightspeed Attenuator, but I want an RCA-based tube linestage to throw in the mix. This is for a single source CD system.
Just saw that the proper Decware headphone amp for the Audeze headphones is actually the Taboo. Meant for headphones from 4-60 ohms (the Audeze is 60). Also, I can sell my amp and use the Taboo (only 6 watts but my speakers are 96db so I'm good). Problem is, looks like the Taboo needs at least 3 volts and my dac outputs only 2V. I emailed Steve and asked him if I'll be ok.
CSP2+ arrived last week and is now, more or less, broken in. How does it sound? In a nutshell, phenomenal. I've already been writing about it over on Audiocircle, so I'll just post a link to that thread in case any of you frequent both sites. Happy to answer any questions here, though, if folks are curious. Here's the link:
I have the CSP2+ and the Taboo on order. The CSP2+ will have two sets of RCA outputs, as well as the two sets of RCA inputs, plus the headphone jack. The Taboo will have a capacitor cable made up so I will have the option of not hooking up speakers when I listen to my Audeze LCD2 Rev2's.
Is a capacitor cable the same as a resistor cable? Are you making this yourself or are you purchasing it?
Sorry, probably resister cables to attach to the speaker outputs on my Taboo when listening to LCD2 headphones. The CSP2+ is back at Decware for an upgrade to the cryo treated beeswax capacitors. I am continuing to upgrade my all analog system every year.