Decware CSP2 +

How good is this as a preamp? How does it compare with much more expensive units? My most recent active tube linestages have been CAT SL1, Joule LA-150MKII SE, and Dodd. Does it compete in that league? If not, how so? The fact I can use it as a headphone amp is just icing on the cake. My current reference is the Lightspeed Attenuator, but I want an RCA-based tube linestage to throw in the mix. This is for a single source CD system.

Showing 3 responses by rischa

Nope, hasn't come yet. But I did get an email from Decware informing me it was in QC. I'll report back when it's here.
Ordered a CSP2+ a couple weeks ago to mate with my Odyssey Khartago. Steve from Decware said there were 90 units ahead of mine (not all CSP2's, of course), and it would take about 12 weeks. So, if you order one, you best be a patient man.
CSP2+ arrived last week and is now, more or less, broken in. How does it sound? In a nutshell, phenomenal. I've already been writing about it over on Audiocircle, so I'll just post a link to that thread in case any of you frequent both sites. Happy to answer any questions here, though, if folks are curious. Here's the link: