Deciphering Shunyata chronological history for upgrade paths

Shunyata cables have represented great technology and quality to me as I survey the marketplace. My first and subsequent purchases of the Diamondback & Venom level cables brought pleasing results to my system in staging, imaging and punch.
As I have read other A'goners experiments w/ "source level" power cords it intrigued me to do my own research. In considering a new or used cable purchase, the myriad of improvements and layers added to each manufacturer-or's product lines in this space, I was lost in names and misunderstanding of what has transpired in the Shunyata family of cables chronologically to make a good purchase decision.

Having good experience in calling Shunyata support to identify product distinctions in power purification, I reached out again and received a call from Richard R regarding my question of how to compare the new name sequences (hierarchy) versus the old. Richard was happy to comply and I am sharing this with the community in hopes to provide orientation for others like me deciding on upgrade paths.  Shared w/Richards blessing.
"Richard Rogers with Shunyata here:  Cables below are from least to best performance.

There's basically three eras the older snake named cables and the newer Greek named cables.
- Oldest: Venom ->Taipan -> Cobra -> Python ->Anaconda -> King cobra

- Then newer: Venom -> Viper -> Alpha ->Sigma

- Then newest:  Venom -> Delta -> Alpha ->Sigma

Now, through the time we had different designations and version of these. I broke those down below:

- Original series was just the snake named cable with no suffix

- Then came the Alpha Helix series (snakes) and VX series.
   The VX was for digital components whereas Helix was universal for all components

- Then came the CX series (snakes)

- Then came the Zitron series (snakes)

Then came the Greek series (Alpha digital, Alpha analog, Alpha HC, Sigma digital, Sigma analog and Sigma HC)

Now the current series is just the Venom 14, Venom HC, Delta NR, Alpha NR and Sigma NR. The NR version is a universal noise reducing cable that can be used on any and all components and the best we've ever built. "

Showing 1 response by garebear

If you wait too long reading this and trying to figure it out ....Shunyata will already have come out with a new line that will make your current cable obsolete and you will take a big financial hit. Don't worry as the audio writers will tell you that this '' new '' line of theirs is their absolute best .....for now. Great company, great cables and best of all, great marketing as they change their cables as often as I change my know