Deciding on which of my cartridges to go on Origin Live and Kuzma arms

I have a Kuzma Ref 2 and Ref 313 VTA and I’m considering the purchase of a Feickert Volare w/ the packaged Origin Live Silver mk4 arm. I own a trio of cartridges that include a My Sonic Hyper, an EMT Tsd 75, and a Charisma (Denon) 103. I’m trying to figure out which cartridge to mount on each of these arms. I’m not the technical sort, but for those who are, I was hoping for some guidance. Here are the specs I have gathered:

Kuzma 313 VTA- Effective Mass: 13 Grams. Has played all 3 of my cartridges well.

Origin Live Silver mk 4- Effective Mass: 12 Grams. I read the OL Silver may be better suited to low/medium compliance cartridges. I believe my EMT is High Compliance.

My Sonic Lab Hyper: weight: 9.5 grams......Compliance: 10 X 10-6cm/dyen

EMT Tsd75: weight: 12 grams...... Compliance: 12 UM/mN

Charisma (Denon) 103: weight: 8.8 grams.....Compliance: 7 UM/mN

I’m aware it’s best to mount and compare each cartridge, but my goal is to obtain an educated starting point. I also noticed the Compliance spec on the My Sonic appears different than the other two, so hopefully this can be translated for comparison. One of these cartridges will be a backup, and will likely reside on a spare head shell I have for my 313. Any thoughts are appreciated. It’s been a fun ride.


Showing 1 response by dodgealum

I am currently running a Charisma Signature One on an OL Conqueror and am happy with the results. As a Charisma owner you probably know they make a bunch of carts at different price points which are stellar performers. I’ve also heard good things about the EMT HSD 006 which is very close to your TSD but in a traditional body style—check the specs though. Lastly, you didn’t ask so forgive me for offering—you might want to take a look at one of the the Pure Fidelity tables instead of the Volare. I demoed the Feickert at Andy Singer’s shop and it IS a nice piece of equipment and when paired with the OL Silver and excellent value. However, I ultimately chose the PF which is similar in many ways but better built and the new Conductor speed control unit resolves my only complaints about the unit—the Maestro it replaced was small, not robust, and difficult to handle. I have two weeks on the Conductor and it is a gorgeous piece—well made, easy to use and, more importantly, delivers superior PRaT, which was my only quibble with the sound of the Harmony. I’ve got an OL Conqueror mounted with the Charisma and am getting the best sound ever when spinning records.