Decent preamp

I didn't say good because I'm in the budget but what's a decent preamp I could buy to work with Aragon 2004 amp? I'm thinking tube but let me know your opinions. Was advised to stay away from emotiva and other factory direct brands but not sure if that's a valid opinion.

Showing 2 responses by skywachr

Per itsjustme's comment above:

Totally under the radar and far below your budget is the B&K Reference 30. Even though it’s a 5 channel, reviewers at the time felt that it’s 2 channel performance surpassed that of the B&K 2 channel preamp that was available at that time. Quite a thing for about $300 or less. Sold new for just under $3000. You would not be disappointed.
Just another way to look at all this. When I listen to the identical preamp you already have into a  McIntosh amp with the exact same output as your Aragon 2004 I experience a pretty extraordinary performance on all fronts with exceptional accuracy, clarity and separation. You may possibly be trying to improve the wrong end of your system. Just a thought.