Decent preamp

I didn't say good because I'm in the budget but what's a decent preamp I could buy to work with Aragon 2004 amp? I'm thinking tube but let me know your opinions. Was advised to stay away from emotiva and other factory direct brands but not sure if that's a valid opinion.

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

+ 1

Freya for the money, used 550.00 and up, 900.00 new. The two I saw had an active or passive options. No tone control, but a remote.

In passive, I used the remote volume control for an older preamp also, NO coloration, no noise, worked very well.
A/B the two, flip of a switch. Neighbors idea, works good too.

One of the two I saw actually bested a stock C2500. It (the Freya) had Tung Sol valves. Great options too. 6SN7 has lots of great valves to choose from.

I’m lookin for a good used one..too. ;-)
