Decent preamp

I didn't say good because I'm in the budget but what's a decent preamp I could buy to work with Aragon 2004 amp? I'm thinking tube but let me know your opinions. Was advised to stay away from emotiva and other factory direct brands but not sure if that's a valid opinion.

Showing 8 responses by cygnusx8

I don't want to go over $500-600. Used is preferred since choices are limited for new ones in that price range. Sticking with separates. Already have an amp I like. No AVRs. They all have inflated power ratings.

It was more related to emotiva and other cheaper brands. I know PS Audio is top notch.
B&K reference 30 is what I have now but good suggestion. Not a bad preamp. Even has toslink inputs. Looking for something more musical I guess? B&K menus are a mess too. I'm an it guy and I can barely figure that mess out.
Hmm Van Alstine.. forgot about that brand. I'll take a look at those. Good suggestion. Proceed was a good one too. Thanks guys!
I'm in Chicago. That Eico looks good but I've never heard of the brand. Have you had a chance to listen to it?
Those Mark Levinson preamps are around $4,000 used. Phono add-on alone exceeds my budget. I hope no one suggests Boulder or Gryphon gear.