Decent preamp WITH tone controls

I recently replaced an ADCOM GFP1A, after almost two decades of service, with a CJ Sonographe SC-26. While I do appreciate the finer detail of the new pre, the lack of tone controls (bass eq in particular) is a major dissapointment. This is because I own Magnepan SMGa's and Celestion SL12si's (I switch them periodically) and while the bass that is there is fast and tight, both sound MUCH more satisfying with a bit of bass eq dialed in.

I don't really want to debate the merits of tone controls, as we did that a few months back in another thread, and I have tried all of the recommended tweaks (good stands and biwiring the Celestions, different cables for the Magnepans) with only modestly positive results. Both a subwoofer and experimentation with placement are out of the question --- audio augments my lifestyle, it doesn't consume it.

Thus, can anyone recommend a good quality preamp WITH TONE CONTROLS in the $500-$1,000 range used? Mil gracias for your help.
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Showing 1 response by wdrazek

I concur that the Adcom 565 is a very nice preamp with tone controls. If you prefer a remote ( I can't live without one) the 750 is probably better still and is newer. Have not heard it, but I've found Adcom preamps very good sounding and I think better than their power amps.

The other option are the Quad units, can't comment personally but they are reputed to be quite good - check out a recent Absolute Sound for more.