Decent phono pre for nad c-350....

I am contemplating getting a decent nad doesnt have a phono stage...should I just add one...or would I be better off going with a different intergrated...such as the new Rotel RA-02...or the Rega Brio...I am leaning towards a Rega their any sonic advantages to a "built in" phono stage vs. adding one...if not...what are some decent add ons...Sumiko,Creek,etc...thanks....
There are a variety of them in the low price category. The Sumiko, Parasound, even the "Li'l Rat" from Radio Shack that has got some pretty good coverage over at the Audio Asylum. Also Hagerman Technologies has a nice one at $125, called the Bugle. If you want to go over $200, Creek,and Gram Slee are nice. And for about $300-$350 you could get a used Black Cube.
I believe, I could be wrong, that DB Systems makes an inexpensive add-on as part of their current production that has received excellent reviews but it maybe a bit hard to find a dealer. Contact them at 603 899 5121. Happy Thanksgiving.
Try NAD PP-1 Phono Preamp. I have one hooked up to my NAD C-340, and it sounds fine. I think that they may be out of production now, but if any dealers have one left in stock, or you can find a used one, it would work well for you and would be an excellent match for the amp.