Decent DAC/Streamer

My current system has two potential weak links.

The first is my DAC through which I play ripped CDs (my primary medium). It is a Schiit Modi 2 Uber. To be honest, I don't really perceive any issues with it. It approximates played CDs fairly well.

The second is my streaming set up. Currently Amazon Music (so no hi-rez) via Apple TV to the Schiit via optical. There are noticeable SQ issues here that I think have more to do with the Apple TV than the file size from Amazon.

So I'm wondering about a DAC/Streamer combo. The Node2i certainly comes to mind and if it is likely to be an improvement over Apple TV AND its DAC would be superior to the Schiit Modi them it would probably be the lowest price solution.  

I've also seen the Oppo Sonica (now discontinued) for sale in the $850-$1000 range and wondering about its DAC and ease of use with an iphone or laptop.

Open to other ideas but would say my potential future budget (there are currently _zero_ funds available) would be under $1000.

Showing 1 response by eziggy

Just recently picked up a Meridian 218 a totally under-marketed little device.  Geared towards custom installers, but has a 24 bit/192khz DAC, digital input/output, Roon support, and has full MQA decoding.  Only downside, like all Meridian products, can only do 24/96 through Roon, unless it’s MQA.  This can used as a preamp as well when paired with an IP controller, as well as Roon.

Been mostly paying Tidal through Roon and got to say it’s an amazing sounding device for the cost (retails for $1,000).  To be honest I blew this off since it’s labeled as a Zone Controller, until I heard the 251 (same as 218 but with a digital amp) paired with Vandersteen speakers and I was blown away at the clarity and smoothness, especially for the size of the device.