Dear Audiogon,

If political discussions are prohibited then why are showing political ads?

Showing 4 responses by uberwaltz

Not wishing to trash this thread at all but I know someone will try and make fun of this when I am being serious!

I use DuckDuckGo web browser which has excellent built in ad blocking and it is free.

Question is, am I missing out on some very important items that obviously I need because of this?
I currently have two ads. One is for 4 central New Jersey apartment communities and the other is for underwear promising that my first pair is on them.

That sounds like a pretty sad reflection of YOUR browsing activities methinks Sir!

Exactly Grannyring
I can think of a couple of current popular threads that contain off topic elements including the ones mentioned but as of yet they have not been booted and I think as long as they get steered back on topic and it does not get to charged it does not hurt matters too much.

Of course there will always be those who think as this is an audio forum then absolutely NOTHING bar audio should ever be discussed!

Kinda boring not to have some other worldly injections at times imho.
Not so sure ALL political discussions will get deleted.
There is a fairly recent thread that devolved into pure politics and its still alive.

Of course it all depends if anybody reports it to the mods.....