Deals Gone Bad

I have noticed a large percentage of my purchases are turning into Scam sales.....A lot of them I report to e-bay to have them checked out and they still go "south".......l had one on ebay for 2900.00 and another on Audiogon for 2500.00........And the worst thing is it sometimes takes months to get your money back..........Both of these were out of the country, one in the UK and one in South Africa.............


Showing 1 response by sls883

I've been fortunate.  Haven't had any audio purchases go bad.  

I bought a used conrad-johnson Premier 17LS2 on ebay.  It developed an issue in one channel. I worked with the seller trying different tubes etc and it didn't go away. They let me return it after having it several weeks.  

I've bought Mullard tubes from the UK.  Got a few noisy tubes and the seller refunded my money.