Deals Gone Bad

I have noticed a large percentage of my purchases are turning into Scam sales.....A lot of them I report to e-bay to have them checked out and they still go "south".......l had one on ebay for 2900.00 and another on Audiogon for 2500.00........And the worst thing is it sometimes takes months to get your money back..........Both of these were out of the country, one in the UK and one in South Africa.............


Showing 1 response by engineears

I recently purchased a pair of Yamaha HS80M Studio Monitors (according to the listing title and item description) from using their app for iPhone. If I had been on a computer, I would have seen that the seller's images were of Yamaha HS50M, the 5" version. The HS80M is an 8" driver. The seller used a wide angle camera lens to make them look bigger.

Fortunately, I filed a claim with Reverb’s buyer protection before the site’s 7-day (oh well, too bad for you) window had passed and thoroughly documented everything. I got a refund for the full purchase price plus a pair of 5" studio monitors that I guess will make great garage workshop speakers.