I will not buy sight unseen as I have no idea what I’m getting and there are many scammers out there. I will not buy anything that has to be shipped as I have not yet found a reliable shipper, none of them care and none of them are careful. I do travel a lot and I will go several hours out of my way to pick up something that O want. To date I have not been burned in any way, items all worked well, were in good shape and the sellers were fine people. It’s working well and I won’t change, if it isn't broke why fix it?
Deals Gone Bad
I have noticed a large percentage of my purchases are turning into Scam sales.....A lot of them I report to e-bay to have them checked out and they still go "south".......l had one on ebay for 2900.00 and another on Audiogon for 2500.00........And the worst thing is it sometimes takes months to get your money back..........Both of these were out of the country, one in the UK and one in South Africa.............