Dealing with transformer hum

My Belles 150 makes a humming/vibrating sound which I'm told is due to the transformer. At average listening levels, the hum is not an issue at all, because it's not loud enough to be heard, but I do a lot of really low level listening at nights, and this hum is driving me absolutely nuts.

I don't have the option of really moving the amp much and there are no enclosures to hide it away in. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by jphii

I've got to agree. Mine hums if the dryer is running (I told my wife I'd beat her if she does THAT again!), microwave, etc.... I don't like to use a power conditioner with this amp. It normally sees duty as a sub amp, and the hum is never noticable there.

But, now I've got it hooked up in my main stereo system so I can track down a problem with my Audio Note amp. Mated to the Supratek Syrah with 93db AN speakers, any noise on the amp end comes through.

Admittedly, it's a pain in the A@#, but I do like the amp. So, I just have to be careful to schedule my listening time when the old lady's not home to turn shit on and annoy me! FWIW