Dealing with a power amp that need 20A connection

I just bought a used Audio Research power amp without knowing it needs 20A connection.
When I received the amp, there was no power cable included, and I've found out that the amp has a connection that I've never seen before. I thought it might be for 250 Volt, but later found out that this amp needs a special power cable with C19 type female connector and it has to be 12 AWG and 20A.
So, I ordered a 20A 12AWG power cable and a PS Audio power receptacle that supports 20A male connector type.
After reading a few more articles on 20A power amp, I may also need a 20A circuit breaker. The problem is, the circuit breaker for the audio room is 15A. Does it mean that I need a new breaker with 20A to use the amp?
What a hassle.
The seller did not mention anything about the cable power requirement and I assumed that it was included, but the seller didn't seem to have known anything about this amp. 
So, installing a new circuit breaker is something non tech people can do? If not, how much would I need to spend for professional job?
Would it be just OK to use 15A circuit breaker for the amp as long as I use 20A 12AWG power code and don't turn the volume much high?
Thx advance for your input.

Showing 4 responses by ihcho

So, I can just use an adapter, and everything is solved?
All the C19 female type power cord I found in Amazon seem to have either 15A male type plug with 14AWG, or 20A male type plug with 12 AWG.
The cable has to be 12 AWG (or higher, like 10 AWG), so I thought the only solution would be to use 20A plug cable, which means I need to have 20A power receptacle, which might require 20A circuit breaker.
It is a big relief that there are much simpler solutions.
I ordered a 20A/10AWG power cable with C19 female connector and 15A male connector. It will take a while to get it, but in the mean time, I can use an adapter with my existing 12AWG 15A power cable.

If my 15A circuit breaker keeps breaking, then I would think about installing a dedicated 20A breaker for the amp. Until it happens, I would be careful about not cranking the amp’s volume so high.

Thanks much!
I purchased an ARC 150M two channel.
The amp has 10A fuse, so I guess it is fine with 15A receptacle.
I bought an adapter, not a cable, and use the adapter with my 12 AWG power cable. I ordered 10 AWG power cable with 15A male and 20A female, and I will get it in two weeks.
I also changed the receptacle with a PS audio power port classic receptacle.
I am listening at a low ~ medium volume level, fearing trip the circuit breaker. I feel it sounds at least as good as my Plinius 102A. Maybe a little bit more clear and bright sound.
Thanks for all the comments and help.
I just feel so dumb to purchase this amp without even knowing the different type of power connector for 20A. ;-)

I contacted ARC service and asked a question about this amp over two weeks ago, but no response yet.
Most of time, it is more responsive and sometimes more detailed response I get from online forum than the manufacture's customer service. 
So far so good at moderate volume (9 o'clock position).
I also have read that statement: 
For the very best performance on domestic 100 or 120 volt circuits the 150M should be connected to its own AC power circuit branch protected by a 20 amp breaker.

That's why I thought about having a dedicated 20A circuit for this amp.
However, so far it seems to be fine with 10awg 15A power cord.