Dealers hijacking the discussions

I’m a very long term member and look at the forums most every day. I’m personally extremely irritated by dealers injecting sales pitches into the discussions which has never really been a problem before. Dealers are biased as it’s the nature of business and this is fine but I don’t go to audiogon to see shameless promotion. There’s one guy in particular that needs to go away. The fact that you’ll all know who it is says volumes about the amount of posting this guy/dealer does on audiogon. Does anyone feel as I do. Just curious.

Showing 4 responses by bar81

Well what's worse than that is dealers cry to the mods when there are posts they don't like and the mods indulge these babies by deleting posts.  Not sure why they're allowed to crap up threads but not subject to repurcussions for the same.  Maybe they're a large portion of this site's revenue.
audioclown in particular is the worst.  I barely come to the speaker forums anymore solely due to him.  he's such a shameless shill.
@brf. You are very wrong. If audiotroy would stay out of threads instead of pushing his products in so many threads then there would be no need for gpgr4blu to intervene. You should be thanking gpgr4blu for taking the time to stop the disgusting tactics of audiotroy.

Btw audiotroy is still crying to moderators to delete posts he doesn’t like, which they do so this site is complicit in his shilling unfortunately.
@brf. When the moderators aren't doing what should be done then someone has to.

PS you're still wrong ;)