Dealer Ethics? - Anonymous disparagement

Is it wrong for an apparent DUNLAVY AUDIO dealer to ANONYMOUSLY call Pipedreams the" worst speaker I have ever heard over $500.00"?? I was startled by the extremely negative posts by cg70754 as to the Pipedreams loudspeakers . He called them in one of two posts - " Truly the worst speaker over $500.00 I have ever heard". Strong negative stuff . A check of the DUNLAVY AUDIO website revealed Acoustics Solutions as a Dealer with e-mail address c/o An e-mail to cg70754 , showed cg70754 to be the listed DUNLAVY dealer,in Alpharetta,GA,- Chuck Gerlach of Acoustic Solutions . What do you think?

Showing 5 responses by swampwalker

Perfectimage- I think you misunderstood, Dunleavy dealer apparently trashing competitors product, not one of his own lines. Very low class, IMO, and most importantly, just another reason to take any internet opinions with a grain of salt until you can verify the source.
Perfectimage- I think you misunderstood, Dunleavy dealer apparently trashing competitors product, not one of his own lines. Very low class, IMO, and most importantly, just another reason to take any internet opinions with a grain of salt until you can verify the source.
John 1- whats an unannounced dealer? If its someone who is making a living selling audio and then posts comments under another name, then that conduct is reprehensible and should be clearly unacceptable to AGon. I have noticed occassional solicitations to buy (private and dealer) slipping in here occassionally. while those are prohibited, at least they are above board. Bottom line on the nature of this post is that anyone dealing in audio equipment should make that known to all when they post, and that its rarely appropriate to "flame" your competition. Just point out what you can that others can't (better, cheaper, faster, whatever) and why.
Audigon- I just attempted to rate John 1's post above and checked off +1, +1 and it showed up as -1, -1. What's up. And John 1, I'm with you all the way to the point where you say you've commented favorably on gear you sell without disclosing that fact. Many hi end pros are valuable contributers to this forum, but if you have a potential financial interest, you should let us all know. Sorry about the mess up with the rating; now I know I don't like it.
John- Your point is well taken. I think I like Rcprince's idea about some kind of handle that can make it easy for us to know what's going on and easy for you to respond w/o extra hassle. Part of the problem we experience on the net is the anonimity. Many of us have seen examples of manipulation that takes advantage of that fact and sometimes we get suspicious. Actually, healthy skepticism is an important attribute of net commerce.