Dd67000 crossover points?

The midrange driver covers 850 to 20,000 CPS. Thoughts on a single drivers covering such a wide bandwidth? Do any others speakers do this? Pros & cons?


Showing 1 response by phusis

My Electro-Voice main speakers are crossed at just over 600Hz to a large format midrange/tweeter horn (2" exit) that runs up to 17-18kHz. An important takeaway here is that the Constant Directivity horn controls directivity all the way down to the crossover point to the woofers (dual 15", vertically aligned), even lower, with a very uniform dispersion pattern at the crossover. Slopes are 36dB/octave L-R throughout, actively configured, and the mains are high-passed at ~85Hz for subs augmentation below. The EV DH1A compression drivers used here are built to withstand a crossover point at 500Hz 12dB/octave for pro cinema use, but I find they sound better crossed just over 600Hz, and with the steeper slopes. They’re an immensely well-sounding and powerful speaker system.