DCS Vivaldi stacks vs Esoteric Grandioso G1, D1, P1 stacks

Hey all,
For my digital front end source components I am currently using the DCS Vivaldi stacks which include : Vivaldi master clock/streamer unit, Vivaldi upsampler unit, Vivaldi DAC unit, Vivaldi CD/SACD transport unit. They sound and perform phenomenally well and have great sonic synergy with the rest of my equipments. 

But I'm thinking to make a switch to the Esoteric Grandioso stacks : G1 master clock, D1 monoblock DAC, P1 CD/SACD transport, to see how these Esoteric would stack up against my DCS Vivaldi stacks in my system. I'm using the Dan D'Agostino Momentum analog linestage stereo preamp and the Dan D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps (2 pairs) in bridge mode. My speakers are Wilson Audio Alexx. Speaker cables, interconnects and power cables are Transparent Opus. 

Has anyone get to compare the DCS Vivaldi stacks up against the Esoteric Grandioso stacks? 
I would be eager to find out how the Esoteric Grandioso stacks would sound in my setup especially in direct comparison to my existing DCS Vivaldi stacks. We don't have a single Esoteric dealer in our area so I have no way to demo the Esoteric Grandioso especially in the same setup as the one I have at home. I would love to give the Esoteric Grandioso stacks a try in my own setup at home. I've read nothing but outstanding reviews on the Esoteric Grandioso stacks, so I thought I might want to give them a shot. The Grandioso D1 DAC is monoblock configuration. 

Your advise, inputs and opinions will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Showing 8 responses by caphill

Hello Mike,

Thanks for the response. I am fully satisfied with my current DCS Vivaldi stacks and IMO sounded and performed really well in my system. I am just curious how my DCS Vivaldi stacks would stack up against the Esoteric Grandioso stacks and if the Esoteric Grandioso stacks turned out to better than the DCS Vivaldi stacks I will make a switch to the Esoteric Grandioso stacks. But I have no way for me to demo the Esoteric as we don't have a single Esoteric dealer in our area.

I also do have a turntable. I have the Linn LP12 Klimax version with all Klimax upgrades and accessories : Linn Ekos SE tonearm, Linn Kandid mc cartridge, Linn Urika phonostage fitted internally, Linn Radikal power supply unit, Keel sub-chassis, Trampolin suspended aluminium base board.

Mike, you mentioned that you still own a tape deck player. Which cassette deck player do you have? The Nakamichi Dragon or the 1000 II? My dad used to own the Nakamichi 1000 II and the Dragon tape deck player back in the day. Phenomenal sounding decks.

folkfreak, thanks for the response.

That's exactly what I'm trying to find out to see if I like the Esoteric Grandioso stacks better in my system or will have better synergy with my own system. However, the DCS Vivaldi stacks have great synergy with the rest of my equipments in my system. But unfortunately we don't have an Esoteric dealer in our area and my dealer does not carry Esoteric otherwise I would have asked my dealer to loan me a set to try it out at home in my own system.

All my interconnects, speaker cables and power cables are Transparent Opus. I'm not using some mediocore ones. I'm also using all Audioquest Niagara 7000 power line conditioners for all my setups and systems. I installed some isolation feet/pads.

It isn't that my system doesn't perform optimally, it does. I'm fully satisfied with the sonic fidelity and the performance of my system as a whole.    I've optimized all the cables, interconnects, power cables, PLC and other associated accessories that go with my system. However, I was just curious if the Esoteric Grandioso stacks would have better synergy in my system. That's all I need to find out to see if any of you guys happen to have same or similar setup as the one I have. I disclosed the rest of my equipments in the very beginning of the thread. Because we don't have any Esoteric dealer in my area so there's no way for me to have a loan to try it in my own system at home.

Thanks for the link. Sure your MSB DAC looks very analog visually. Awesome setup. Those speakers are huge. 
My dealer here carries MSB but they never had the MSB products on display or available for loan. Otherwise I would have asked them to loan me one. 
I just read your post again and you said you live in WA. I do live in Seattle, WA. 
My dealer is Definitive Audio in Seattle. They are awesome. Did you go to this past Music Matters this past March? 
I was invited to the debut of the Wilson Alexis series ll couple weeks ago but something came up and I couldn't go.
folkfreak, thanks for the info. I realized there are only couple Esoteric Grandioso dealers in the US because the Grandioso line is quite a bit more expensive than other Esoteric lines or series. I live in Seattle, WA. I might have to contact them to see if they will loan me the Grandioso G1 master clock, D1 monoblock DAC, and P1 CD/SACD transport. Actually, our DCS Vivaldi CD/SACD transport was based on the modified Esoteric Grandioso CD/SACD transport.
But I will be more intrigued with the Grandioso D1 monoblock DAC units and how it will compare against my Vivaldi stereo DAC.  We'll see. 
Or I might just stick with my DCS Vivaldi stacks. 

Thanks for the invite Mike. I will have to find sometime to go visit you and have a listen to your awesome system. Those DarTZeel monoblock amps are something. I've read outstanding review of them on Stereophile. Michael Fremer of Stereophile claimed that they are the best amp he's ever heard in his setup. 
They are expensive too (around $145k). Again spectacular setup Mike.

I wished we had more hifi stores and more selections here in Puget Sound area.
I would hate to work with those dealers outside our area. It isn't very convenient for me. 

I would love love and look forward to meet you and have a listen to your system one of these days. I'd always look forward to meet another fellow audiophile like yourself. I don't really have many audiophile friends. Most of my friends are very ignorant when it comes to hifi. 

audiotroy, thanks for the advises.

I don't have any T&A dealer in my area. We only have dealer for Dan D'Agostino, Ayre, MSB , Audio Research, Linn, Naim, Classe, McIntosh, Musical Fidelity, Devialet, Rega, Arcam, NAD, Rotel among others. We don't really have that many selections and options here.

Hey guys,
I’m still using the DCS Vivaldi full four stacks which consists of Vivaldi master clock, Vivaldi upsampler, Vivaldi DAC, Vivaldi CD/SACD transport in my reference stereo setup. I’m now wondering how would my DCS Vivaldi stacks compare to the EMM Lab DAC2x? Has anyone compared between the two?
I know they are system dependent, depending on the associated gears such as downstream electronics, speakers, cables, etc. My local dealer does not have EMM and there’s no dealer for EMM in our area.
I’m also contemplating to trade mine in for the MSB Select 2 DAC with dual powerhouses (dual PSU, one for the digital side and another for the analog side) but I’m planning to keep my DCS Vivaldi CD/SACD transport.

Recently I went through setup/system upgrades or changes. Previously I was using the Audio Research Reference 10 linestage preamp paired with 2 pairs of Dan D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps driving the Wilson Audio Alexx speakers. They’re all gone now. The only things I have left from the previous setup are the Audio Research Reference 10 phonostage pre for my Kronos Pro turntable. My analog front end rigs are still the same.
Now I am using the Naim Statement gears which consist of the Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage analog preamp and the Naim Statement NAP S1 monoblock amps. My new speakers now are the Magico M6. The Naim Statement gears have better synergy with the Magico M6 than the Wilson Alexx. My speaker cables are Transparent Magnum Opus. My analog interconnects and power cables are Transparent Opus. My digital cables are Nordost Valhalla 2.
However, the DCS Vivaldi stacks pair well with the Naim Statement gears and the Magico M6.

I wonder if the MSB Select 2 DAC with dual powerhouses will perform better in my current setup and system. My local dealer happens to be a dealer for MSB but they don’t have the MSB Select 2 DAC with dual powerhouses on display so it isn’t possible to compare between my DCS Vivaldi stacks and the MSB Select 2 DAC with dual powerhouses in my own setup and system or in any setup / system. Can anyone comment? Which one will pair better with my current setup and system thus better synergy? Any inputs, advises, comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Thanks folkfreak.
I will give it a try. What are the rest of your setup and system?