DCS Puccini into Lamm M 1.2 w/o preamp?

any thoughts about going directly from a DCS Puccini into the Lamm M 1.2 monos? I've read that the Puccini should work pretty good fed directly into a power amp. Currently I'm using a ARC Ref 3 with a pair of Parasound JC 1, planning to substitute the JC 1 with the Lamms to get more body and weight to the sound. Speakers are the Isophon Cassiano with the diamond tweeters.


Showing 1 response by kurt_tank

I don't know if this is of any help to you or not, but my friend used to use an ARC Ref. 3 with his Lamm M2.2s, and the sound is awesome. I recommend that you give it a shot when you get your Lamm amps.

(I say "used to" use, because he just upgraded to the ARC Ref. 5, which is really a slightly more refined Ref. 3, at least to my ears.)

BTW, If you wish to sell your Ref. 3 "dirt cheap", feel free to drop me a line.
(Yeah, this economy has me broke at the moment, or else I would have bought my friends Ref. 3!)