I've been auditioning to the one box from DCS, the P8i, for the last few days, and really enjoyed every minute. I liked the realism, the focus, and the wide soundstage in the sound. I'm also considering the EMM set, however didn't have the pleasure listening to. Has anyone compared the DCS to EMM?
Thanks a lot!!!

Showing 2 responses by bigamp

I also have been considering those two components. I demoed the P8i in my system. It sounded great, but didn't blow me away. In contrast to some of the other posts here, I was disappointed that there wasn't more detail. Although tape hiss isn't a great thing, I look for it on a few CD recordings to determine how much detail is coming through, and the DCS just didn't have it. Also, there was less top-end air than anticipated. However, the bass reproduction was very good.

For what it's worth, I also demoed the Esoteric X-03 and was very impressed. For me, it was the hands-down winner over the P8i. More detail, more "air," and more realistic. And at half the price, a no brainer. (Have not demoed the EMM in my system.)
Morbius: Sorry about the delayed response. I tried all 4 filters on the DCS. If I recall correctly, I believe Stereophile commented that the filters do not make much difference. I disagree. For what it's worth, I preferred filters 2 and 3. They seemed to add the right amount of body to female vocals. Filter 4 went too far, in my opinion, and made the music too lush.