dcs owners--

Does anyone have any experience with aftermarket digital cables(bnc) for the word clocks ,and the 1394 fire wire for the dsd upsampling?

also ,what seem to be the more compatiable and effective power cords on the dcs stack?

i'm using siltch cords ,and looking for an improvment.
thanks in advance for any advise.
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Showing 2 responses by mgottlieb

I tried the Polish DSD firewire cable and found it a significant improvement over the stock DSD cable. Using the DSD connection between the Purcell and Elgar was a major improvement over two balanced AES cables between the two, and I have used Purist Dominus, Kharma Enigma and NBS Monitor 0 in those spots. Especially with the $179 Polish cable, DSD firewire won hands down.
Ozy, sorry, I've been away all month spending $ on non-audiophile stuff. Can't help on anything you asked, especially power cords. My system components are plugged into a Burmester line conditioner, and maybe that's the reason, but I've tried a number of power cords, and have always found that while one may do something worthwhile, two (except, of course, on monoblocks) seem to do too much of something. I have Absolute power cords on everything, and, at least in conjunction with the Burmester, they do no harm. Specifically, I found two Shunyatas, NBS, Dominus and a couple of others I forget on both the Purcell and Elgar Plus didn't appeal, although one might do something interesting. I certainly don't expect general agreement on this, but that's the way I hear it.