dcs Elgar plus vs Wadia 27ix vs Aero Capitole

Hi guys

I'd like to play DAC directly into my CAT JL2. I know that people had very good results with Wadia 27ix and dCS Elgar. Did anyone compared Wadia 27ix to dCS Elga plus or Aero Capitole?

Showing 1 response by frankpiet

I once directly connected my AA Capitole Mk II directly into an Ayre V-5xe power amp than added Ayre K-5xe and Hovland HP-100. The use of either pre proved to be much better than the direct connection. this means: the onboard pre in the AA is nice but not mind blowing. Can´t report on dcs or Wadia. Try to get CAT SL-1 Ultimate MK II and together with the AA and your JL-2´s you´re done.