dcs debussy

some news?
there are some pictures from vegas.. but no info's on the homepage.
I am wondering about 24/192 compatibility and usb input..

Showing 1 response by antipodes_audio

Suteetat, I understand what you are saying. But I find that for the best sound, it is best to upsample all my files to 24/176.2 or 24/196 offline before storing them on hard drive. I use izotope for this. So I find the problem you mention to be moot when using the DCS. You should try upsampling a familiar 16/44.1 track to 24/176.2 using something cheap like Sample Manager ($75), use MBIT+ redithering and izotope resampling settings, and compare them. I think you will hear what I mean. The only downside is that the 20,000 tracks I have take up a couple of 2TB HDDs.