With the resurgence of Vinyl, turntable and cartridge makers are on fire. Sweet Vinyl has a line of very sweet Sugarcubes that eliminate pops and clicks and noise floor without affecting the sound of the music. They are expensive at $1,500 to $4,000 for their units. But if you plan on recording your collection Sugarcube is a must.
With all this demand for vinyl, perhaps we can convince dbx to bring back a modern 5bx with today’s state of the are digital technology. Imagine fixing all the crap that was done to records in the digital domain as well as making them as quiet as CDs.
As soon as my Sugarcube SC-1 arrives, I will be digitazing my dbx encoded discs. These discs are recognized as the best sounding vinyl recordings ever made. I can’t wait.
What does the community say? Can we get dbx to do it, or if the patents are expired, maybe the guys at sweet vinyl will make a product.
With all this demand for vinyl, perhaps we can convince dbx to bring back a modern 5bx with today’s state of the are digital technology. Imagine fixing all the crap that was done to records in the digital domain as well as making them as quiet as CDs.
As soon as my Sugarcube SC-1 arrives, I will be digitazing my dbx encoded discs. These discs are recognized as the best sounding vinyl recordings ever made. I can’t wait.
What does the community say? Can we get dbx to do it, or if the patents are expired, maybe the guys at sweet vinyl will make a product.