DBX Expander

I have recently acquired a Teac reel to reel and although it's a great machine, soundwise, it just doesn't measure up to CD or LP's in my system. I have a chance to purchase a DBX sound expander that I'm told greatly enhances the sound of the tape. I have no experience with this box at all. Does anyone have any knowledge of what this does?

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What a great thread!

I have a perfect 3BX-DS sitting in my closet I have not thought about in many years.

I had bought it new when CD first came out and I used to like to fall asleep listening to music, and found CD's (and later movies) to be too dynamic.
So I was mostly using it for compression, however I did like the effect of expansion for full scale listening sessions.

I am getting ready to move soon and would honestly probably have just left it on our trash floor with all the other gear I won't have space for (of course with a note indicating the stuff works)

So now I'll definitely not throw out the DBX. I'm curious to now try it - however it will be a challenge to try out since my system is currently balanced. I'll probably end up selling it however, now that I know what it's worth.
Since my system is balanced, and I'd like to keep it that way, could I just use one 3BX-DS for each channel? Meaning left is inverting - right is non inverting, then combine them back to XLR? I already use gear (Strain Gauge) that puts out balanced signals over 2 RCA's, and have a custom adaptor that goes from 2 RCA's to XLR.

Frzninvt - is this what you are referring to, or did you mean the signal goes through expansion twice? Please elaborate.