DaVinci tonearm and azymuth

Great tonearm. Unfortunately the azymuth is several degrees from flat, clearly visible with the naked eye. Has anyone else had this problem with DaVinci? Should I just adjust the balance with my preamp and live with it?

Showing 5 responses by dre_j

Post created for clarification only. I have no interest in debating how to set azimuth:
As for the Freickert-software... it implies for correct function in azimuth-adjustment mode, that both coils of a given cartridge do have 100% identical output.
If this is not the case - which you can count on in 99,99999 % of all cartridges - it will help you little to adjust azimuth. As it compares output of both channels to give identical readings.
You need to know the exact output of each coil before using this tool.
Hard to get......

Not true. The software does not work this way. It uses a transfer function based on the output of the main channel relative to the crosstalk channel (20*log(Vx/Vy)). Your assumption of how the software works is incorrect. It does true azimuth calculations. If there is a 1.7 dB difference in channel balance the software does not care as it does not rely on matching channel balance.


I believe I stated that I'm not going to debate setting azimuth. I clearly stated the software does not work the way you described and your subsequent post seems to acknowledge that your previous assumption about the software functionality was incorrect.

The point of my post was for clarification only.


I believe it is the later being frequency specific which is to our benefit. In practical application, it allows us to go beyond the loose standard of 1KHz if we choose to.

I apologize but my time online is short this morning.


I don't think there is much else to say about the functionality of the software. It's a transfer function that is, as I stated, independent of the difference of channel balance. Anyone with the software, or a spec an, or a true RMS meter can duplicate at least the transfer function to the limit of each measurement devices resolution. Of course the other options mentioned are more tedious. What one does with the repeatable information obtained from this exercise can be the subject of debate which I will not enter into since I'd much rather listen to music than engage in turf wars about subjective opinions.

I guess we will agree to disagree since I know I can (and have done so) duplicate the transfer function using several different tools to benchmark what my [b]ears[/b] tell me.

I appreciate your interest in this discussion and how you are sharing your understanding of how you think the software works.

In the end the software is a tool, a very nice one IMO for analog applications, to be used to help the listener find satisfaction and enjoyment in music reproduction. Does the software work as I stated? Yes. Is it the final judgment on satisfaction of music playback? No, that would be the individual music listeners contentment with the quality of music playback or at least is should be.


I’d like to follow-up on the second part of your post with regard to Azimuth adjustments and crosstalk measurements being different for the frequencies you mentioned above.

Based on a couple previous checks and another sweep of my cartridge last night, the crosstalk was constant across the frequency spectrum with a bit of drop (overall but still consistent) around 18-20 KHz. Potentially, a contribution in those higher frequencies may be due to sampling rates (or limited samples captured) at those frequencies.

However, the readings and results show that there are cartridge designs with measurably consistent ( and admirable) azimuth related crosstalk results over frequency. I'm not sure if this helps or ends up being useless information suitable for Jeopardy. In any event, you sparked my interest to recheck some old data/notes and check it in a more exhaustive manor this time. Now I’m glad I did it.

It’s nice to know how to get back to (or at least close to) what our ears tell us sounds right a little quicker.

