Datzeel vs Asr Emitter exclusive vs Devialet

Has anyone listened to any of these Amps and to whitch may be better to drive demanding speakers such as Yamaha Ns 1000 ?
I know this is potencially a strange combination however I would like to pursue my project getting my Yamahas to sing.
I would apprecite if someone could point me in the right direction.

Showing 1 response by david12

I can't comment on the ASR but I compared the Devaliet and Dartzeel in a small local show, by chance, nowone else was there. They were both excellent with a digital source, but the Dart was clearly my preference, by a good margin. Neutral very detailed, but with a warmish hint to them, I don't usually find in SS amps, I am a tube fan. If there was one amp that could tempt me to the solid state dark side, it would be the Dartzeel.