Dated but still A rated DACs

Looking to purchase a great sounding used DAC , unless I can obtain equal quality on a new one. Your thoughts?

Showing 5 responses by georgehifi

I am a HUGE fan of the 1704s and have owned numerous pieces, too many to count, with them. The 63s are something special.
Had them both over many dacs and cdp's, and tinkered and modded them to the hilt.
The PCM1704 is top dog for all Redbook pcm, far lower noise, almost glitch free, so it doesn't upset wide bandwidth I/V stages as much.

Cheers George
Pass Labs D1, i havent found anything yet that beats it.

Very nice old girl for doing Redbook with,  r2r multibit ladder dacs PCM63K's x 4 and discrete I/V stage, only the PCM1702's and then the last 1704's betters the 63's.

Cheers George
Surprisingly no one suggested the usual suspect, Schiit Yggdrasil. No personal experience but lots of positive reviews and lots of love...

Seeing it was bought up, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the Schiit Yggdrasil.

But I believe the OP wanted "Dated but still A rated DACs" not new but best old school R2R format dac’s for doing RedBook.
Just incase here a link for the OP to follow.

Cheers George
kalali Search for PCM1704 and the DACs that use them.

Kalali has given great advice if RedBook pcm is you priority, search here on this massive list of just about every dac or cdp made for ones which use the PCM1704 or even the PCM1702 converters, and with hdcd as well if you can get it.

Cheers George
In my opinion all these are the best for doing Redbook pcm and the last, and in my view the best of the R2R Mutibit dacs, before they were stopped because of high cost of manufacture EG: laser trimming resistors ect. Now they’er making a big comeback as discrete R2R Multibit.

Mark Levinson No39 cdp hdcd but can be used as dac.
Naim CD555/P555 hdcd most stunning Redbook pcm player I’ve heard maybe also be used as a dac.
Linn CD12 hdcd player very close to the Naim.
Cary 303/200 hdcd for the budget minded.

Cheers George