Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by rcrump

MES divorced the 80hz problem a couple years ago :-)........The DarTzeel is a good amp, but understand the pricing has risen a bit of late. Parts keep going up unfortunately or worse yet, go out of print without a second source meaning an expensive redesign.......
Hey, at least I have heard the DarTzeel and compared it to other amps, but it has been at least five years ago at a reviewer's place.......Mes always gets picked on as understand his new house is next door to the International Waitress Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio.....I don't have EMM gear as been playing with that old DAC/transport again and it is working good enough for me :-) Frank, I want some of whatever you are drinking.....
Here I thought it was five years ago when I heard the amp and it was only two years ago! We curmudgeons have trouble with time.......