Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by frankg

I know you guy's are highly educated (doctors, attorneys Etc.) but have you ever stayed at a Holiday Inn Express like Jonathon? :-)
Now for the task at hand.
Hooper; I have not heard the DarTzell and am very happy with my Gryphon Encore. However. Jennifer Crock (Jena Labs) told me over the phone that she was so impressed with the design and sound of the DarTzeel that she was getting one for herself even though she is presently designing her own amp. (Forwhat it's worth.)
JT don't forget my 10%.
.....Sorry I just couldn't resist. :-) :-) (I'm having so much fun)
HmmmmmmmmmmmI've been thinking HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmDid she say DarTzeel or Darzee? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm What if that REALLY wasen't Jennifer Crock on the phone after all? Could that have been one of JT's relatives from West Virgina masquerading as Jennifer? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm