Dartzeel CTH-8550

I'm wondering if there are fox out there with this amplifier. I recently purchased this new integrated Dartzeel CTH-8550 (could not afford the separates). From the first minute this amplifier was connected to my Avalon Indra the sound was nothing short of stunning. This amplifier, has the same magic of the separates, as it is really sounds like nothing. It is the most natural sounding amplifier I've ever owned, and I've owned many including Pass 350.5, MBL 9008, Boulder 2000s, Lamm and others.
What is your experience?



Showing 1 response by david12

I am definitely in the enthusiast camp. I am a long term integrated user and have had many highly rated units at one time or another;
Viva solista
Lavardin IT
Karan K180
Pathos Inpol2
Ayon Spark
I use the latter 2 now. None have come near to what I have heard with the Dartzeel and I'm not a SS fan. Fast, in fact I can't recall anything so fast and transparent, good soundstage depth in particular, good imaging.
The last time I heard them for a prolonged listen was with Wilson Sashas and I don't like Wilson. They sounded wonderful with the Dartzeel. I have also heard the top of the range Pre and Monoblocks with Magico speakers. Great, but I still liked what the integrated could do.
In short, I would buy them tomorrow, if I could afford them, which I can't, even second hand. But if I win the lottery who knows. Do you have to do the lottery to win it?