Dartzeel 108


Right now i’m feeling the urge to upgrade my system again. Currently I have a Mark Levinson 390s directly link to GamuT D200 driving JM lab micro utopia (be). My listening room is moderately small (about 20 m2).
I do like the system, it’s very fast, punchy, with a huge sound stage. But something is missing, it’s not refined. Reading the reviews, I think I’ll have everything that gamut delivers plus a sweet refined sound.

Have anyone tried the combo jmlab micro utopia be with dartzeel ? (neither the less I’ll listen to this combo second of feb).

I have to confess that I have some kind of fetish for amps, that is , is always the first audio gear that I upgrade.

Moving to DartZeel will be the first step of my upgrade, then speakers to finish with source. So, as I’m waiting to have budget to move everything up, I’ll have to live possibly with dartzeel micro utopia and 390s.

Thanks in advance,
Rodrigo Carvalho

Showing 1 response by vaipe

Thanks all for responses :) Yes, I think the pre amp would be the path to unleash the full potential of my system. I’ll try the dartzell pre-amp. On the second of February I’ll go to the show room of my country dartzeel dealer, with my system, doing all kind of experiences!! I love that :) ! Then I’ll write here my experience!

Once again thank you all.


Rodrigo Carvalho