Dared amps

I am seeing this amps more and more. I'm curious about there reliability. There was one on ebay and the auction was canceled becuase the power supply went bad before the auction could close.

Are they of high quality? If they do have problems are there repair shops in the U.S. can warranty/repair them?

Showing 3 responses by johnk

I had problems with my dared vp16 I will pass on dared.Madisounds stocking founteks new el34 based amp heard it very nice.
Hi Dilly The founteks not cheap arround $1300 US. If cheap you want I would say ASL I have owned 12 ASL products had very good luck with them.
owned lots of tube gear see my feedback the dared failer was not tube related but lack of quality control.Mine was a early one. Purchased new at the time dared had no US repair lined up.Do they now?