Dared amps

I am seeing this amps more and more. I'm curious about there reliability. There was one on ebay and the auction was canceled becuase the power supply went bad before the auction could close.

Are they of high quality? If they do have problems are there repair shops in the U.S. can warranty/repair them?

Showing 3 responses by bgrazman

I've got their VP-300B quasi-monoblocks (power supplies share a box). I've use it as my main amp (running Gallo Ref 3's) and its normal home is to drive my headphones (Stax Lambdas).

never had any problems... even dropped one of them from about 2 feet... heavy little booger, but no damage.

I'm very happy with the amps... am running the Shugang 300B tubes (changed one of the resistors to make it more compatible).

Just my 0.02.

happy listening,

Where did you live? can you give me some store recco's (offline). I spend about 60 of my time in China now (mostly in the southeast)-the rest back home in the US.

I do spend a fair amount of time in Shenzhen (I head there about 1/10 weeks for a few days). Usually don't go shopping,b ut I might try to find where you describe... don't speak enough Chinese to try anything, but I can always get a colleague to joing me.
