Dared amps

I am seeing this amps more and more. I'm curious about there reliability. There was one on ebay and the auction was canceled becuase the power supply went bad before the auction could close.

Are they of high quality? If they do have problems are there repair shops in the U.S. can warranty/repair them?

Showing 2 responses by bartokfan

For the price they are offered at, I'd say Dared is a good amp for a low budget.
I certainly wouldn't pay too much for one.
China offers much better stuff than Dared.
Dilly the one you are looking for is called CAYIN
I have the Jadis Orch Ref, a very good amp, but I feel could have got one of the cayin models with 4 KT88's , can;t recall the model, at half the price, new.
And sound just as good.
I'm looking at the Cayin 500, only avaliable in europe, $3K + ship.
btw Cayin does have some cheaper amps that are good as a starter/basic 2nd system/someone on a small budget.
