Danny Richie "fixes" the Linkwitz Arion loudspeaker

For some time now I have been directing those interested in loudspeaker design to Danny Richie’s GR Research Tech Talk Tuesday videos on YouTube. Here is his latest: an examination of the Linkwitz Arion loudspeaker. You may be asking yourself: if Siegfried Linkwitz is the genius he is touted to be, how is it Danny found the Orion to be lacking, and was able to find solutions for it’s failings? I’ll leave that to you to answer. In the meantime, after watching and listening to this video, you may want to watch all the Tech Talk Tuesday videos. They may just make you a more informed loudspeaker consumer.



Showing 1 response by pryso

For whatever reason, your link would not open.  I was able to find it from the GR Research site.  Oddly that had the same link name.

More than 10 years ago I became interested in the Orion speaker system after reading the Linkwitz site.  I was then able to hear the system in a private owner's home but came away disappointed.  Some time after that I planned to visit the Bay Area and contacted Mr. Linkwitz about an audition.  He graciously agreed.  He and his wife were very welcoming and he took as much time with me as I'd hoped.  I brought a few familiar recordings for my frame of reference.  Unfortunately I was again disappointed in the performance compared to my expectations from reading his description of the system.  That was long ago enough that I can't remember exactly the points of my dissatisfaction but I had to eliminate them from consideration based upon my own tastes.  That was somewhat disappointing in part because he was so nice and such a gentleman, and I know he is admired as a designer.  I wrote it off as simply a difference in personal preferences.

Now I've only had limited experience with Danny but I found it very interesting to hear his description of these speakers.  I understand the Orions generally have a positive following, but once again in this hobby, one size does not fit all.