Danny Boy - Recommendations

I have several versions of Danny Boy, but am looking for some really inspirational versions. My current favorite version is from Jhenna Lodwich on her All My Loving CD. If you do not know her, I would recommend you give her a try.

Any recommendations of your favorite versions would be appreciated. Please provide artist and album, if possible.


Showing 2 responses by martykl

John McCormack, the great Irish tenor sang a precursor (name eludes me) of Danny Boy that is, for all intents and purposes, the same song. Very scratchy, early (possibly pre-electronic) recording of poor quality, but an amazing rendition.

I'm not sure if he ever recorded the actual "Danny Boy", but - if you like those sad Irish ballads, I'd check him out, anyway.

Good Luck


John McDermott is a (wonderful) Scottish tenor who I'm guessing is +/- my contemporary (53 yrs old). John McCormack is an Irish tenor who died before I was born.
That said, McDermott is a wonderful singer and I'm sure that your recommendation is a good one.
