Damping, tweaks for LOWTHER TP1 ISIS cabinets???

I guess that I want to build some horns...I'm not going to tell you in detail why I'm interested in full range drivers and horn type loudspeakers because most of you probably you already know the distinct aproach and the advantages of horns...Yes,I'm searching for impressive dynamics,huge soundstage,unaltered,uncompressed and undistorted presentation,fast transient response,big,efortless and acurate sound,realistic timbre,in one word "the soul of real music"......
After some serious researchs on the NET I've choose to build one decent project from Lowther-the TP1 Isis Horn.I already have the plans(my source...)and I want to build(in fact one of my friends is gonna build them,I'm an painter,grafic artist and interior designer but I don't have all the skills in the world) the cabinets first and then to buy the drivers(PM2C or EX4).NOW what is my QUESTION for you?!?Can anyone tell me
some tweaks(even for the drivers,Lowther's fun's usualy make some diafragm treatments or they put some soft textile materials on the back of the magnet)or some internal damping solutions and please,please give some details...For example:I know that it's good to put some absorbent material behind the driver,in the troat area to minimise the reflections which will afect the diafragm movement.
Once I've seen(on NET)that one has put some Fostex Diffusers
in the mouth area of the horn to reduce the turbulance of air...Tell me some DIY eficient methods if you know!!


I forget to ask you something extremely important,anyway it's hard for me to explain in english...If you know the design of Lowther TP1 ISIS,in front of the driver's location is that horn type of form(wich modify the impedance of the air and make the driver's movement of air mor eficient)wich is made from two curved pieces of 3mm plywood,one of each side(left and right) of the driver...Beside them(I hope you understand)in the cabinet each one has an empty closed chamber wich doesn't comunicate with the rest of the cabinet's chambers..So knowing from Deflectors principle,when you have a curved plywood on the wall to deflect sound waves,you put some absorbent material behind the piece of plywood to stop the piece to rezonate-absorbent material will transform the movement into heat.
So it's suited for me to load those two cahmbers with absorbent material to stop the plywood's vibrations???
I want to thank you in advance for you patience!!!
Anyway you are such a nice guys!!!

P.S:I wait for your answers...