Gentlemen, I would like to add a few things to this thread if you don't mind. First I would like to thank mrdon for considering our loudspeaker,
and again apologize for being closed due to a illness and returning his call late. And again we hope that the S400s work out for him.
Second, in regards to the comments made by mzkmxcv. The Gen4s
have excellent imaging through the crossover region due to drivers characteristics, the crossover device, time alignment, and our modifications. The phase response through this range is smooth and averages 8 degrees. We have learned a lot over the past 50 years there are sonic drawbacks to 12,18, & 24 dB/octave crossovers and found that choosing the best timbre matched drivers, modifying them, and then using the simplest crossover is the best way to go. Why use inferior sounding and complex crossovers to make up for something not right to begin with. The advances in woofer technology can allow for a naturally smooth ~6 dB/octave upper end roll off especially if you modify it to your purpose. Our Gen4's tweeter with modifications integrate seamlessly with our modified woofer's extremely smooth roll off. No drawbacks here.
Also concerning your reference to a tweeters 2000 HZ 1st order crossover -12 dB point being an issue, power wise, if the speaker is powered with 100 watts at 500 Hz the tweeter sees only 6.5 watts. Not a problem for a quality tweeter.
I'm sure that your comments apply to many speakers, just not ours.
Thank you,
Bill Jr....
and again apologize for being closed due to a illness and returning his call late. And again we hope that the S400s work out for him.
Second, in regards to the comments made by mzkmxcv. The Gen4s
have excellent imaging through the crossover region due to drivers characteristics, the crossover device, time alignment, and our modifications. The phase response through this range is smooth and averages 8 degrees. We have learned a lot over the past 50 years there are sonic drawbacks to 12,18, & 24 dB/octave crossovers and found that choosing the best timbre matched drivers, modifying them, and then using the simplest crossover is the best way to go. Why use inferior sounding and complex crossovers to make up for something not right to begin with. The advances in woofer technology can allow for a naturally smooth ~6 dB/octave upper end roll off especially if you modify it to your purpose. Our Gen4's tweeter with modifications integrate seamlessly with our modified woofer's extremely smooth roll off. No drawbacks here.
Also concerning your reference to a tweeters 2000 HZ 1st order crossover -12 dB point being an issue, power wise, if the speaker is powered with 100 watts at 500 Hz the tweeter sees only 6.5 watts. Not a problem for a quality tweeter.
I'm sure that your comments apply to many speakers, just not ours.
Thank you,
Bill Jr....