Damn it

Ok, I have a problem, granted it is a gold plated one. I thought I had this down to two choices, Burchart S400, Harbeth E30.1 or Elac Adante AS61. That's 3, I know.. Now, I came across info on Watkins Gen Four that were $2,000 a pair and actually called the place in Tennessee earlier but they had closed up shop for the day. However, I see on the website that the introductory price has been withdrawn, so now they are $3,000 a pair. What started this whole thing was me trying to follow advise from fellow audiophiles (I could be one in the making) and thought, ok, I'll spend a larger/higher amount on the speakers because they factor or weigh on the outcome of the end product. Now, the Adante's are really just too damn large for the application I plan on using them for. That really leaves the Burchart S400's & Harbeth 30.1. To compound this dilemma not many have heard the Watkins Gen Four, that's my question, has anyone heard these super speakers or believe they worth their value @ $3,000?  Any input will be greatly appreciated..      

Showing 2 responses by mrdon

@mzkmxcv, (@CD318)
Thanks for the feedback back on the Watkins Gen 4. I would never had known anything about the 1st order crossover and challenges it present to the music quality. The Gen 4's were very close in the running but I went ahead and pre-ordered the S400's and feel it was a pretty damn good choice. I will not know for sure until after they arrive and are unpacked and connected to my new PS 700 monos.   
mrdon here, i want to thank you for taking the time to post your reaction/correction. I do not recall if it was you I spoke to on the phone as a follow up to my message although it may have been. None the less I was impressed with the call back despite being two days later, all the more impressive. It is actions like the call back and the posting here in audiogon to better explain your speaker dynamics that will resonate with this community. And, again, should the S400's not stand up to all their hype I have a 30 day trial. And, it just so happens i know the area code to Tennessee where some very fine speakers are made to audiophile specs.