Dali Mentor 6 vs. Totem Forrest vs. Audio Physic

Buying new speakers for self for Xmas. Will ship to HI. as there is no chance to hear there. Have been able to hear only a few things on Mnld..none side by side. Spending $3-4k. Listen to acoustic and electric trad jazz, blues, singer/songwriter and female vocals (Krall, Krauss, Allison, Holiday,Raitt). Driving with Mcintosh 5100 integrated (45wrms) or 100 SAE power amp with tube pre. Will also be buying a new cd like Cambrige 804/704. Options are Dali Mentor 6 vs. Totem Forrest vs. Audio Physic ?? and BW 703/704. Have been told also look at Focal 826 and OHM s100 but havent heard them. Hard to take chance on the 120 day test because its $250 to ship each way. Any input appreciated. Going to buy in the next week.